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Term 2 – Role Plays

My Drama Reflection

This Term our Theme was Transformers and our project for the theme was plays!We had to get in groups with people in our class (My group:Jaxson,Jaxon,Peniake,Chrislyn,Dannie,Taina)and then find a play with the amount of people in your group.We decided to settle on this play called Are you bored Yet, it was about a group of school kids creating a group because they were bored.I was school kid 3 while Peni was 1, Jaxon was 2, Chrislyn was 4, Taina was 5 and Dannie was 6.We had to get props Although only 3 of us actually showed up we pushed through and ended up still finishing the play.Check out our play down below.

Term 2 Immersion Assembly Recount

Every term we have a theme. This term is Transformers which means anyone can transform into whatever they want.Also we would have an immersion assembly where we would talk about the theme and the teachers perform either little plays,movies and more.

The assembly started off with the senior management team(Mrs Nua, Mr Sommervile , Mr Jacobson and Mr Burt)dressing up.Mrs Nua decided she wanted to become Mrs Incredible, Mr Somerville became Spider-Man , Mr Jacobson chose to be a Army Troop and Mr Burt became an Egyptian Pharaoh. They then did a little dance until it was Time for Team 1’s Movie/Play.

Team 1:Team 1 started off with a game, guessing the emotion.

Team 2:Team 2 made a play based around a book called, “How Kiwi Saved the Forest”

Team 3:Team 3 also did a play which was based on a book and movie.That book/movie was Matilda, a famous book made by famous writer “Ronald Dahl”

Team 4:Team 4 was next and also did a game, Charades.(Charades is a game where you have to act out something e.g A animal)

Team 5:Team 5’s performance was Cinderella but with a dark twist. The Story was as usual as it was in the story we all know but the prince decapitated the 2 evil sisters head!

The 6 Ground Rules

Hi and this week we had a group discussion and we had to use the 6 ground rules.This video talks about what and how to use the 6 Ground Rules.The screenshot is a group reflection which talks about how much we used the ground rules.Thank you and bye!

Smart Goals

Hi and these are my smart goals for this term.

For my smart goal I want to be able to read at least one 100 page book by the end of the term.

By the end of the term I want to be able to read books for enjoyment so I can get better at reading.

I would like to be able to finish at least 1 book every week for the next 6 weeks.

Nz TimeLine

Hi and today at Extention we made a Nz Timeline.We had to unscramble these sentences to make them fit into the time that it happened the.I hope you liked my Nz Timeline.Thank you and bye:)